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Edição Título
v. 17, n. 2 (2020): Populismo e Direito Internacional / Populism and International Law Sobre a solução judicial de controvérsias na América Latina Resumo   PDF
Lucas Carlos Lima
v. 17, n. 1 (2020): O direito comparado e seus protagonistas: qual uso, para qual fim, com quais métodos? Solução de Controvérsias em Acordos de Investimento: as experiências do CPTPP, CETA e dos ACFIs Resumo   PDF
Fabio Costa Morosini, Vivian Daniele Rocha Gabriel, Anastacia Costa
v. 18, n. 2 (2021): International Economic Law and the COVID-19 sanitary crisis Some questions about International Economic Law raised during the pandemic Resumo   PDF (English)
Hervé Ascensio
v. 15, n. 2 (2018): Business and Human Rights Some remarks on the Third Session of the Business and Human Rights Treaty process and the “Zero Draft” Resumo   PDF (English)
Humberto Cantú Rivera
v. 14, n. 1 (2017): Direito Alimentar e Combate à Fome South-South Food and Nutrition Security promotion: the Brazilian experience multiplied Resumo   PDF (English)
João Almino
v. 18, n. 1 (2021): Challenging the International Law of Immunities: New Trends on Established Principles? State Immunity and the Rights of Employees: Lights and Shadows of the Strasbourg Court’s Jurisprudence Resumo   PDF (English)
Pierfrancesco Rossi
v. 19, n. 3 (2022): História do Direito Internacional no Brasil State Support for Compatriots: Improving Kazakhstan Legislation Resumo   PDF (English)
Svetlana Zharkenova, Yerkin Ongarbayev, Amanzhol Nurmagambetov, Guzal Galiakbarova
v. 14, n. 1 (2017): Direito Alimentar e Combate à Fome State´s international responsibility for the human right to food: Implementation in Brazil through Agroecology Resumo   PDF (English)
Paula F. Strakos, Michelle B. B. Sanches
v. 17, n. 2 (2020): Populismo e Direito Internacional / Populism and International Law Subtração internacional de crianças: análise do enquadramento da violência doméstica como flexibilidade ao retorno imediato à residência habitual Resumo   PDF
Vivian Daniele Rocha Gabriel
v. 19, n. 1 (2022): International Law and climate litigation Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos: lições do “term” 2019-2020 e uma breve homenagem a Ruth Bader Ginsburgh Resumo   PDF
João Carlos Souto, Patrícia Perrone Campos Mello
v. 17, n. 1 (2020): O direito comparado e seus protagonistas: qual uso, para qual fim, com quais métodos? Suprema indecisão: a metodologia em Direito Constitucional Comparado e as deficiências em seu uso pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal Resumo   PDF
v. 15, n. 3 (2018): History of International Law Sur la nature du droit islamique Resumo   PDF (Français (Canada))
Hocine Benkheira
v. 12, n. 1 (2015): Direito do Mar e Direito Marítimo: Aspectos nacionais e internacionais Tackling illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing: the ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Flag-state Responsibility for IUU fishing and the principle of due diligence Resumo   PDF
Victor Alencar Mayer Feitosa Ventura
v. 20, n. 1 (2023): História do Direito Internacional do Brasil - parte II Taking biological samples from a person for examination in criminal proceedings: correlation between obtaining evidence and observing human rights Resumo   PDF (English)
Serhii Ablamskyi, Oleksandr Muzychuk, Eugenio D’Orio, Vitalii Romaniuk
v. 17, n. 1 (2020): O direito comparado e seus protagonistas: qual uso, para qual fim, com quais métodos? Tecnologias Digitais e o Comércio de Bens e Serviços na OMC Resumo   PDF
Umberto Celli Junior
v. 15, n. 2 (2018): Business and Human Rights Territórios da violência de gênero: normativa internacional e os casos “Campo Algodoeiro” (México) - “Morro Do Garrote” (Brasil) Resumo   PDF
Eugênia Nogueira do Rêgo Monteiro Villa, Bruno Amaral Machado
v. 9, n. 4 (2012): Número especial: Internacionalização do Direito Texto integral do v.9, n.4 (Número Especial: Internacionalização do Direito) Resumo   PDF
Editor Responsável
v. 18, n. 3 (2021): International Law and Deglobalization The African Regional Human and Peoples’ Rights System: 40 years of progress and challenges Resumo   PDF (English)
Juan Bautista Cartes Rodríguez
v. 17, n. 3 (2020): Art Law and Cultural Heritage Law / Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural The appropriation of the carioca intangible cultural heritage by an entrepreneurial logic Resumo   PDF (English)
Mário Ferreira de Pragmácio Telles
v. 19, n. 3 (2022): História do Direito Internacional no Brasil The arbitrator Epitácio Pessoa and the Brazilian approach to arbitration: an analysis of the settlement of disputes between public entities and foreign investors Resumo   PDF (English)
Henrique Lenon Farias Guedes, Marcilio Toscano Franca Filho
v. 20, n. 2 (2023): Digital transformation of MERCOSUR: Influence and cooperation with the European Union The art of legal warfare: kow to deprive the aggressor state of jurisdictional immunities. Evidence from Ukraine Resumo   PDF (English)
Anatoliy Kostruba
v. 19, n. 1 (2022): International Law and climate litigation The Challenges faced by Women Legal Academics (Panel Discussion) Resumo   PDF (English)
Eshan Dauhoo
v. 18, n. 2 (2021): International Economic Law and the COVID-19 sanitary crisis The COVID-19 pandemic as an impeller for the aggravation of marine plastic pollution and economic crisis: the reserve effect of health protection measures on human lives Resumo   PDF (English)
Adriana Isabelle Barbosa Lima Sá Leitão, Tarin Cristino Frota Mont'Alverne
v. 11, n. 1 (2014): Direito Internacional Privado The Debate over Companies’ Liability for International Environmental Damages: a Comparison between the Jurisdictional Rules of the European Union and the United States Resumo   PDF (English)
Carina Costa de Oliveira
v. 16, n. 1 (2019): Arbitragem Internacional / International Arbitration The duty of care of parent companies: a tool for establishing a transnational environmental civil liability Resumo   PDF (English)
Mathilde Hautereau Boutonnet
v. 13, n. 1 (2016): Direito Internacional Econômico The easier way to have “better law”? The most-significant-relationshIp doctrine as the fallback conflict-of-law rule in the people’s republic of china Resumo   PDF (English)
Chi Chung
v. 19, n. 1 (2022): International Law and climate litigation The efforts to respond to climate change and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the hardest-affected countries: Vietnam case analysis Resumo   PDF (English)
Yen Thi Hong Nguyen, Dung Phuong Nguyen
v. 15, n. 2 (2018): Business and Human Rights The Environmental Law Dimensions of an International Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights Resumo   PDF (English)
Juan Gabriel Auz
v. 17, n. 1 (2020): O direito comparado e seus protagonistas: qual uso, para qual fim, com quais métodos? The European Court of Human Rights Decision on the ´Burqa Ban´ and the critical analysis of the Pragmatic experimental logic Resumo   PDF (English)
Flavianne Fernanda Bitencourt Nóbrega, George Browne Rego
v. 18, n. 1 (2021): Challenging the International Law of Immunities: New Trends on Established Principles? The immunity of international organizations in labour disputes: developments before international tribunals, national courts and the Colombian jurisdiction Resumo   PDF (English)
Walter Arevalo-Ramirez, Ricardo Abello-Galvis
v. 17, n. 3 (2020): Art Law and Cultural Heritage Law / Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural The impact of the UNESCO and UNIDROIT Conventions and the EU directives on the international art market: an analysis fifty years after the introduction of the obligation to return stolen or illegally exported cultural goods Resumo   PDF (English)
Geo Magri
v. 10, n. 2 (2013): Revista de direito internacional The (In)Applicability of the Statue of Refugees to Environmentally Displaced Persons Resumo   PDF
Maria Claudia Silva ANTUNES de Souza, Lucas de Melo Prado
v. 19, n. 1 (2022): International Law and climate litigation The inclusion of the digital sequence information (DSI) in the scope of the Nagoya Protocol and its consequences Resumo   PDF (English)
Aírton Guilherme Berger Filho, Bruna Gomes Maia
v. 14, n. 2 (2017): Direito Internacional dos Investimentos / International Investment Law The Influence of General Exceptions on the Interpretation of National Treatment in International Investment Law Resumo   PDF (English)
Chauvel Louis-Marie
v. 21, n. 1 (2024): International Criminal Court: 25 years / Tribunal Penal Internacional: 25 anos The International Criminal Court at the Crossroads: selectivity, politics and the prosecution of international crimes in a post-Western world Resumo   PDF (English)
Rui Carlo Dissenha, Derek Assenço Creuz
v. 15, n. 1 (2018): Exclusions and its critics: Southern Narratives of International Law The International Institutions as Promoters of Systemic and Symbolic Violence – Feminist Approach to the Climate Change Regime Resumo   PDF (English)
Douglas Castro, Bruno Pegorari
v. 18, n. 3 (2021): International Law and Deglobalization The International Monetary Fund and COVID-19. Old and new challenges of a post-World War II international institution Resumo   PDF (English)
Virdzhiniya Petrova Georgieva
v. 15, n. 1 (2018): Exclusions and its critics: Southern Narratives of International Law The ISIS Eradication of Christians and Yazidis: Human Trafficking, Genocide, and the Missing International Efforts to Stop It Resumo   PDF (English)
Sarah Myers Raben
v. 16, n. 2 (2019): Direito ambiental The judgment of the case Xucuru People v. Brazil: InterAmerican Court of Human Rights between consolidation and setbacks Resumo   PDF (English)
Gabriela Cristina Braga Navarro
v. 19, n. 1 (2022): International Law and climate litigation The jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in cases of territorial damage caused to States by climate change Resumo   PDF (English)
Cristiane Derani, Patricia Grazziotin Noschang
v. 18, n. 1 (2021): Challenging the International Law of Immunities: New Trends on Established Principles? The jurisdictional immunity of international organizations before the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court Resumo   PDF (English)
Barbara Tuyama Sollero
v. 13, n. 1 (2016): Direito Internacional Econômico The land rights of indigenous and traditional peoples in Brazil and Australia Resumo   PDF
Marcia Dieguez Leuzinger, Kylie Lyngard
v. 18, n. 1 (2021): Challenging the International Law of Immunities: New Trends on Established Principles? The Law of State Immunity before the Brazilian Supreme Court: what is at stake with the “Changri-La” case? Resumo   PDF
Aziz Tuffi Saliba, Lucas Carlos Lima
v. 14, n. 1 (2017): Direito Alimentar e Combate à Fome The legal implications of the Draft Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mankind Resumo   PDF (English)   PDF (English)
Catherine Le Bris
v. 18, n. 1 (2021): Challenging the International Law of Immunities: New Trends on Established Principles? The new Brazilian Anti-trafficking Law: challenges and opportunities to cover the normative lack Resumo   PDF (English)
Waldimeiry Correa da Silva
v. 14, n. 2 (2017): Direito Internacional dos Investimentos / International Investment Law The New Rules on Trade and Environment Linkage in Preferential Trade Agreements Resumo   PDF (English)
Alberto do Amaral Júnior, Alebe Linhares Mesquita
v. 13, n. 1 (2016): Direito Internacional Econômico The peace process in Sierra Leone: an analysis on marriages between culture and crime Resumo   PDF (English)
Gustavo Bussmann Ferreira
v. 12, n. 2 (2015): Teoria do direito internacional The philosophy of international law in contemporary scholarship: overcoming negligence through the global expansion of human rights Resumo   PDF
Fabrício Bertini Pasquot Polido, Vinicius Machado Calixto, Lucas Costa dos Anjos
v. 18, n. 2 (2021): International Economic Law and the COVID-19 sanitary crisis The preventive character of Disaster Law: tax incentives in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investments as a risk mitigation mechanism Resumo   PDF (English)
Daniel Dela Coleta Eisaqui, Deilton Ribeiro Brasil
v. 17, n. 3 (2020): Art Law and Cultural Heritage Law / Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural The principles of Cultural Heritage Law based on the Polish Law as an example Resumo   PDF (English)
Małgorzata Joanna Węgrzak, Kamil Zeidler
v. 17, n. 3 (2020): Art Law and Cultural Heritage Law / Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural The Reception of Droit de Suite in International Law: Diagnosis and Remedy Resumo   PDF (English)
Mickael R. Viglino
v. 13, n. 1 (2016): Direito Internacional Econômico The reception of European ideas in Latin America: the issue of the German sources in Tobias Barreto, a prominent nineteenth century Brazilian legal scholar Resumo   PDF (English)
Arnaldo Sampaio de Moraes Godoy
v. 15, n. 2 (2018): Business and Human Rights The rights to memory and truth in the Inter-American paradigms of transitional justice: the cases of Brazil and Chile Resumo   PDF (English)
Antonella Galindo, Juliana Passos de Castro
v. 20, n. 2 (2023): Digital transformation of MERCOSUR: Influence and cooperation with the European Union The role of digital tools in supporting the implementation of the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in MERCOSUR countries Resumo   PDF (English)
Vandana Singh, Mehak Rai Sethi
v. 14, n. 1 (2017): Direito Alimentar e Combate à Fome The role of sustainable learning policies on the fight against hunger in adult education Resumo   PDF (English)
Hiran Catuninho Azevedo
v. 15, n. 1 (2018): Exclusions and its critics: Southern Narratives of International Law The Strategic Prudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights - Rejection of Requests for an Advisory Opinion Resumo   PDF (English)
Cecilia M. Bailliet
v. 10, n. 2 (2013): Revista de direito internacional The U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and North Korea: How North Korea is Violating these Rules with its Operation of the Yodok Concentration Camp Resumo   pdf (English)
Tom Theodore Papain
v. 20, n. 2 (2023): Digital transformation of MERCOSUR: Influence and cooperation with the European Union The United Nation data governance: a panopticon and a catalyst for cooperation Resumo   PDF (English)
Varda Mone, CLV Sivakumar
v. 15, n. 2 (2018): Business and Human Rights The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the State duty to protect Human Rights and the State-business nexus Resumo   Pdf (English)
Mihaela Maria Barnes
v. 15, n. 3 (2018): History of International Law The (Un)practical Secularization Process: International Law and Religion as Social Realities Resumo   PDF (English)
Douglas de Castro
v. 18, n. 3 (2021): International Law and Deglobalization The USMCA sunset clause Resumo   PDF (English)
Jaime Tijmes-Ihl, Yvonne Georgina Tovar Silva
v. 18, n. 3 (2021): International Law and Deglobalization The withdraw of Member-states from Human Rights Courts: is the judicialization of mega-politics a necessary condition? Resumo   PDF (English)
Miguel Mikelli Ribeiro, Ernani Rodrigues de Carvalho Neto
v. 14, n. 2 (2017): Direito Internacional dos Investimentos / International Investment Law Tolerância e refugio: um ensaio a partir do acordo EU-Turquia Resumo   PDF
Ana Carolina Lopes Olsen, Flávia Cristina Piovesan
v. 21, n. 1 (2024): International Criminal Court: 25 years / Tribunal Penal Internacional: 25 anos Transparencia de la inteligencia artificial en la administración pública: Una revisión de estándares internacionales Resumo   PDF (Español (España))
Lorayne Finol Romero, Ivette Esis Villarroel
v. 13, n. 3 (2016): Direito Transnacional Transporte aéreo e Direito Transnacional: da convergência à uniformidade Resumo   PDF
Mickael Viglino
v. 19, n. 2 (2022): Extraterritorial mechanisms, international cooperation, and protection of victims of human rights violations Transterritoriality as a theory to hold corporations accountable for human rights violations: the application of its principles in Vedanta and Nevsun cases Resumo   PDF (English)
Ana Cláudia Ruy Cardia Atchabahian
v. 20, n. 2 (2023): Digital transformation of MERCOSUR: Influence and cooperation with the European Union Treaty Regime of Ocean Fertilization: gaps and solutions Resumo   PDF (English)
Zahra Mahmoodi Kordi, Masume Gholami Miansarayi
v. 17, n. 3 (2020): Art Law and Cultural Heritage Law / Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural Três pautas em destaque na agenda de diversidade cultural da Unesco: ambiente digital, tratamento preferencial e participação da sociedade civil Resumo   PDF
Danilo Júnior de Oliveira, Maria Carolina Vasconcelos Oliveira, Ana Paula do Val
v. 20, n. 2 (2023): Digital transformation of MERCOSUR: Influence and cooperation with the European Union Trial by Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal: justice divulged or political agenda? Resumo   PDF (English)
Niteesh Kumar Upadhyay, Mahak Rathee, Sangeeta Taak
v. 21, n. 1 (2024): International Criminal Court: 25 years / Tribunal Penal Internacional: 25 anos Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI) - 20 Anos da Ratificação do Estatuto de Roma pelo Estado Brasileiro: Críticas e Reflexões Resumo   PDF
Miguel Anegelo Marques
v. 10, n. 2 (2013): Revista de direito internacional Tudo de Novo no Front: MONUSCO, uma Nova Era nas Peacekeaping Operations? Resumo   PDF
Priscila Fett
v. 11, n. 2 (2014): Os Vinte Anos da OMC Um desafio na Organização Mundial do Comércio: viabilidade de um acordo plurilateral sobre energia Resumo   PDF
Matheus Linck Bassani
v. 10, n. 2 (2013): Revista de direito internacional Um Direito sem Estado? Direitos Humanos e a Formação de um Novo Quadro Normativo Global Resumo   PDF
Rafael Köche, Anderson Vichinkeski Teixeira
v. 13, n. 1 (2016): Direito Internacional Econômico Um espaço para pensar em alternativas? A academia latino-americana de Direito Internacional Econômico frente à ordem econômica global Resumo   PDF
Nicolas Perrone
v. 13, n. 3 (2016): Direito Transnacional Um estranho no ninho? Padrões privados no Acordo de Barreiras Técnicas ao Comércio da OMC Resumo   PDF
Marina Yoshimi Takitani, Michelle Ratton Sanchez Badin
v. 17, n. 2 (2020): Populismo e Direito Internacional / Populism and International Law Um TWAILer entre nós? Desvendando as contribuições de Celso Duvivier de Albuquerque Mello para o Direito Internacional (crítico) no Brasil Resumo   PDF
Fabio Costa Morosini, Matheus Gobbato Leichtweis
v. 20, n. 2 (2023): Digital transformation of MERCOSUR: Influence and cooperation with the European Union Uma Europa forte e unida?: o desenvolvimento do projeto europeu de integração à luz da gestão das crises migratórias Resumo   PDF
Gabriel Braga Guimarães, Ana Carolina Barbosa Pereira Matos
v. 17, n. 3 (2020): Art Law and Cultural Heritage Law / Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural Underwater cultural heritage – problems and solutions (?) Resumo   PDF (English)
Elina Moustaira
v. 14, n. 1 (2017): Direito Alimentar e Combate à Fome Une définition du pré-investissement conforme à l’approche français mais contraire à l’approche américaine au sein des traités bilatéraux d’investissements iraniens Resumo   PDF (English)
Peyman Dadras
v. 14, n. 3 (2017): Direito Ambiental Global / Global Environmental Law Une gouvernance globale du climat par la transparence depuis l’Accord de Paris : Le droit global de l’environnement comme solfège ? Resumo   PDF (Français (Canada))
Anne-Sophie Tabau
v. 10, n. 2 (2013): Revista de direito internacional U.S. Institutionalized Torture with Impunity: Examining Rape and Sexual Abuse in Custody Through the ICTY Jurisprudence Resumo   PDF
Allison Rogne
v. 19, n. 1 (2022): International Law and climate litigation Vidas em movimento: os sistemas de proteção dos Direitos Humanos como espaços de justiça para os migrantes climáticos Resumo   PDF
Fernanda de Salles Cavedon-Capdeville, Diogo Andreola Serraglio
v. 15, n. 3 (2018): History of International Law Vinculação dos direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais: uma discussão do desenvolvimento humano com base no conceito de Amartya Sen sobre o mínimo existencial Resumo   PDF
Natalia Mascarenhas Simões Bentes, Yasmim Salgado Santa Brígida
v. 13, n. 2 (2016): Direito Internacional e Biodiversidade Vínculo substancial e as bandeiras de conveniência: consequências ambientais decorrentes dos navios com registros abertos Resumo   PDF
Marcos Edmar Ramos Alvares da Silva, André de Paiva Toledo
v. 11, n. 2 (2014): Os Vinte Anos da OMC Vinte Anos de Crise para a África? Poder, Assimetrias e a Abordagem Liberal da OMC Resumo   PDF
Igor Abdalla Medina de Souza
v. 15, n. 1 (2018): Exclusions and its critics: Southern Narratives of International Law Voice and Exit: How Emerging Powers are Promoting Institutional Changes in the International Monetary System Resumo   PDF (English)
Camila Villard Duran
v. 14, n. 1 (2017): Direito Alimentar e Combate à Fome WFP’s role in building sustainable bridges between the right to adequate food and the freedom from hunger Resumo   PDF (English)
Bruno Valim Magalhaes, Christiani Amaral Buani
v. 18, n. 3 (2021): International Law and Deglobalization WTO’s engagement with National Law: three illustrations from India Resumo   PDF (English)
Ravindra Pratap
v. 16, n. 3 (2019): Business and Human Rights / Empresas e Direitos Humanos Zara, M. Officer, Pernambucanas e Serafina/Collins: o padrão condenatório por condições degradantes da mão de obra em redes contratuais do setor de vestuário Resumo   PDF
Laura Germano Matos, João Luis Nogueira Matias
v. 18, n. 1 (2021): Challenging the International Law of Immunities: New Trends on Established Principles? ¿Son parte del bloque de constitucionalidad los tratados internacionales de derechos humanos de la OEA en Chile? Avances en base a la doctrina, normativa y jurisprudencia Resumo   PDF (Español (España))
Juan Pablo Díaz Fuenzalida
v. 20, n. 1 (2023): História do Direito Internacional do Brasil - parte II ‘Meu mundo, minhas regras’: Direito Internacional, branquitude e genocídio do povo negro brasileiro Resumo   PDF
Karine de Souza Silva
v. 17, n. 2 (2020): Populismo e Direito Internacional / Populism and International Law “Deus em Davos”: populismo, neoliberalismo e direito internacional no governo Bolsonaro Resumo   PDF
Lucas da Silva Tasquetto, João Henrique Ribeiro Roriz
v. 20, n. 2 (2023): Digital transformation of MERCOSUR: Influence and cooperation with the European Union “Seus únicos tesouros são penas de pássaros”: reflexões jurídicas sobre patrimônio cultural indígena brasileiro em museus estrangeiros Resumo   PDF
José Angelo Estrella Faria
v. 21, n. 1 (2024): International Criminal Court: 25 years / Tribunal Penal Internacional: 25 anos “Urbicídio” e preservação do patrimônio cultural da humanidade: Solução para adaptar o Direito Internacional Humanitário à urbanização da guerra? Resumo   PDF
Juliette Robichez
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