State´s international responsibility for the human right to food: Implementation in Brazil through Agroecology

Paula F. Strakos, Michelle B. B. Sanches


This paper analyzes the implementation of the State’s international obligation to the progressive realization of the human right to food by the Brazilian State with a special focus on public policy to promote agroecological practices. The aim therein is to evaluate the potential benefits of the use of agroecology as means to implement the human right to food as well as identify potential areas of further development. First, a historical and legal examination of the human right to food will shed light on current legal framework to extract its detailed normative content and the State’s obligation arising therefrom, with a focus on agroecological practices as means of its implementation. In a second section, we will analyze the implementation of the HRF in the Brazilian legal order, including the applicable institutional framework and most relevant public policies. We conclude that application of agroecological public policy in Brazil represents a relevant opportunity to positively address several obstacles found in previous public policy such as the lack of integration in a complex net of institutions, whose resulting contradictions undermine public policy. The agroecology framework encompasses many of State’s obligation towards the realization of the human right to food. The Brazilian pioneer experience in agroecological policy can contribute to the further improvement and research in social science and biophysical fields.


Human Right to Food, Food Security, Agroecology, State obligation, Sustainability, Brazil, public policy

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