The biotechnology as a tool of economical and social development

Mariana dos Santos Santos


This research intends to analyze the biotechnology as a source of social and economic development to Brazil. The International Cooperation is approached as a channel to obtain the necessary technological resources to use this tool. For this reason, it is performed an analysis of the International Technical Cooperation, one of the most important and evident streams of cooperation. The report points out that Brazil glimpses opportunities to urge its development throughout biotechnology with the recent Biotechnology Development Policy and the creation of the National Committee of Biotechnology. The analysis of the Brazilian Argentinean Biotechnology Centre (CBAB) empirically shows the importance of cooperation to stimulate the use of biotechnology in the South countries and, as a result, to accelerate the development in these places. However, the difficulty met by Brazil is in the absence of interaction among the academic and scientific sector and the productive sectors.


Biotecnologia, Desenvolvimento, Cooperação Internacional, Cooperação Empresa -Universidade.



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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail:

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