Itaipu: a sui generis entity

Leopoldo Faiad da Cunha


This article analyses the Itaipu treaty focusing on juridical aspects and consequences among Brazilian legal system. It search the possibility of integration between Federal Constitution and the international law, studying the details of Binational company. Initially, historical and political context which the international agreements had been signed will be studied. The second point will be the juridical nature and the reception of international agreement by the new constitution, in order that it had been ratified before the promulgation of the latest constitution. Therefore, the focus will be on the conflict solution competence and the internal law applicability in the hydroelectric power plant, using some examples.


Itaipu; Direito internacional; companhia binacional



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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail:

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