Dignity, Ubuntu, Humanity and autonomous weapon systems (AWS) debate: An African perspective

Thompson Chengeta


n this paper, I discuss the relevance of the African notion of ‘ubuntu’ or humanity to the on-going AWS debate. After tracing the notion of ubuntu back to the pre-colonial time in Zimbabwe and how it developed into a political and humanist philosophy, I discuss its relevance in international law by reference to the impact of its equivalent notion of humanity to international human rights, humanitarian and criminal law. I also note that scholars who argue for the exclusion of the notion of humanity from the AWS debate base the argument either on the idea that the notion is inadequately defined or that humanity as a notion is so vague to the extent that relying on it will have disastrous results. In response to this argument, I seek to define the term humanity and linking it to human dignity in a bid to show that the term is capable of meaning. After defining what ubuntu or humanity means as shaped by human dignity, I come to the conclusion that giving robots the power to decide who lives or dies is inconsistent with ubuntu and an affront to human dignity. I also emphasise that African states should more fully participate in the on-going debate on AWS and share their experience with the notion of ubuntu with the rest of the world.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rdi.v13i2.4135

ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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