The judicial activism of the European Court of Justice and European integration

Giovanna Maria Frisso


The very possibility of a European constitution provoked a rich debate about the need of a supranational constitutional democracy conditions. This article revisits this debate to examine the possible contribution of the European Court of Justice, as a jurisdictional institution of the European Union, to the process of European supranational political development. To contextualize this topic, the historical drafting process of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe will be briefly presented. Then the discussion of the necessary conditions for a European constitution will be introduced through the analysis of the arguments developed by Grimm and Habermas. From a deliberative democracy perspective, the role that the judiciary can play in establishing procedures and communicative conditions able to legitimize a certain political system will be considered. Having this background in mind, the possible contribution of the European Court of Justice to the production and creation of political conditions for European citizens political participation will be examined.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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