The other and his/her identity: public policy and the case of removal of farmers White Rock State Park (Rio de Janeiro)

Andreza Aparecida Franco Câmara


This article analyzes the public policies of removal in Rio de Janeiro and the question of the identity of the group of farmers who are in the vicinity of Pedra Branca State Park (PEPB), including the phenomenon of self-identity from the reorganization of time and space in networked societies. We examined the case of farmers previously installed the constitution of the State Park of Pedra Branca in the studied area, the formation of the Advisory Board of the Park and the role of the state government of Rio de Janeiro to adopt a policy of removal of these settlers, as well as all information that are transferred to counselors and other interested parties, as those were gathered media, presenting a scenario of excluding and criminalizing small farmers. For this purpose, we used as a method of study to review the literature on the topic, search the data contained in the archives of the Park Board, review of reports of some councilors on the issue discussed and information gathered in the media about the participation of farmers located in the environmental crimes in the Park.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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