Introduction of digital platforms to State and Municipal administration: opportunities for regulation and transformation of social services for the population

Dmitriy Nakisbaev, Natalia Dugalich


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore international experience in the introduction and use of digital platforms and assess the opportunities to utilize them in Russia. The research strategy focuses on qualitative data collection methods: analysis of documentation and an expert survey.
Method: The method of analysis provides for a review of the fundamental requirements for digital platforms, analysis of the digital platforms existing across the world, and identification of trends in their development. The expert survey method is used primarily to detect trends in the use of information communication technologies supporting public administration.
Results: As a result, the authors outline the main advantages of digital administration platforms and the risks associated with their operation, especially for the social security sphere. The minimization of these risks, first and foremost, calls for an update of the legal framework with the enshrinement of digital methods in the field of social security.
Conclusions: The main trend in the development of mechanisms of public administration today is the introduction of digital platforms. The paper explored the potential application of digital platforms in public administration and the benefits and risks associated with them.


social security; management risks; public services; public administration

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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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