Carina Costa de Oliveira, Daniela Diz, Teresa Fajardo


In 2019, a vast oil spill occurred in sea areas under Brazilian Jurisdiction . In 2021, the Brazilian police office identified that a Greek ship was probably responsible for the spill when it was crossing international waters roughly 700 nautical miles away from Brazilian coastal line. So far, no proper individual and/or collective compensation has been made for the affected communities, such as fishermen, tourism companies and municipalities. This catastrophe raised many questions including one related to the prevention and the reparation of damages. In the backdrop of the 2019 Brazilian Oil Spill, this special issue investigates innovative solutions for addressing environmental, social and economic issues caused by accidental oil spills from ships from an international, national and comparative perspective. The important legal issues that were pointed out as examples were: prevention and reparation of vessel-source pollution; safety management of offshore oil and gas operations; assessing economic loss caused by oil spill disasters; ecologic compensation in case of oil spill disasters; Area Based Management Tools (including Marine Protected Areas, other effective area-based conservation measures and Marine spatial planning). As an introduction to this special edition, some background, gaps and prospective solutions are presented under Brazilian, international and comparative law.


marine oil spill, ship-source oil spill, marine pollution, ocean governance, comparative law

Texte intégral :

PDF (English)


CASTILLO, T. F.. “To Criminalise or Not to Criminalise IUU Fishing: The EU's Choice”. Marine Policy, Volume 144, October 2022, 105212, available at https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0308-597X(22)00259-7

LEAL, Sara P.; OLIVEIRA, Carina Costa de. Plano nacional de contingência para incidentes de poluição por óleo: análise da alteração legislativa após o incidente de derramamento de óleo de 2019. In: VII Congresso de Direito do Mar, 2023, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

OLIVEIRA, C.C; LIMA, R.; SALGUEIRO, F. “Características do regime jurídico brasileiro de exploração dos recursos minerais marinhos: comparação da integração da variável ambiental nos setores de petróleo e de minério”. IN: OLIVEIRA, C.C., LANFRANCHI, M.P, BARROS-PLATIAU, A.F, GALINDO, G.R.B. A função do direito na gestão sustentável dos recursos minerais marinhos, Rio de Janeiro: Editora Processo, 2021, 400 p.

OLIVEIRA, C.C., LIMA, G.G.B., FERREIRA, F.R. (Orgs), A interpretação do princípio da precaução pelos tribunais: análise nacional, comparada e internacional, São Paulo: Pontes Editores, 2019, 400p.

VIEIRA, F.; ACCIOLY, M. D. C.; SANTOS, T. L. Mapeamento biorregional em comunidades pesqueiras: pertencimento territorial na costa do Nordeste brasileiro frente à impactos ambientais. Revista Campo-Território, v. 17, n. 47 Out., p. 105–129, 4 out. 2022.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rdi.v20i3.9386

ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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