An analysis of Sustainable Development Treaty adoption as domestic laws in Chinese jurisdiction

Renata Thiebaut


The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) defined new steps to be taken by countries to legally enforce the Paris Agreement treaty by launching an Adaptation Fund for least developing countries. Though it is the Agreement is most relevant binding document on sustainability, its adoption as domestic laws may face challenges regarding concept misunderstandings, overlapping and conflict of laws.

This paper analyses the main concepts of monism, dualism, and dialect models in different jurisdictions, pertinent to define the legal process to adopt international norms.

China’s unique legal characteristics with a complex division of labor between the three branches of government and diverse conflict of laws approaches and interpretations will enlighten this work as to understand the correlations between the transnationalism and the theories of the relationship between international law and national law.


china, environmental law, renewable energy, transnational law, conflict of laws

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