Mining CBD

Claire Lajaunie, Pierre Mazzega


The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has a central position in the system of international environmental law regimes: indeed, it addresses a variety of issues such as climate change (in relation with biodiversity), agricultural biodiversity, marine and coastal biodiversity, and is based on integrative approaches such as the ecosystem approach, promoting the interconnection of knowledge as well as the link between legal instruments, norms and international organizations involved.
Through the mining of a textual corpus composed of the CBD (1992) and 364 decisions issued from the Conferences of the Parties (COPs, 1994 to 2014) we show that these themes are addressed continuously throughout the holding of COPs and that the terminology enriched progressively with new notions and concepts sought by each theme. If climate change and the promotion of an integrative ecosystem approach are always taken into account since 1992, agricultural diversity, and quite recently the marine and coastal biodiversity are the most highlighted themes in the work of the COPs. This dynamic is mainly explained by the expert work of the CBD scientific groups or bodies. This eclecticism seems to favour the defragmentation of the various regimes of international environmental law and strengthening their inter-connectivity established notably -but not exclusively- on the basis of a sharing and exploitation of scientific knowledge.


convention on biological diversity, text mining, climate change, ecosystem approach, agricultural biodiversity, marine and coastal biodiversity

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